Hey everyone! Today I'm sharing with you my school morning routine. I shared it with you a few months back, but I've resumed going to in-person school since then, so I thought I'd write an article about it now that it's changed.

6:10- My first alarm goes off then, but I stay in bed to give me 5 minutes of lying in bed to let my body wake up.
6:15- My second alarm goes off, which means it's time for me to get out of bed. I spend 5 minutes stretching just to loosen myself up because I have tight muscles often. I started doing this recently, and I think it's definitely helped me.
6:20- I read my Bible and do my 5-minute journaling in the morning for about 10 minutes to make sure I get a good start to my day.
6:30- I give myself 10 minutes to get dressed and do my hair and makeup because I don't do anything fancy for school, but I do have extra time later in case this takes longer than expected.
6:40- For the next ten minutes, I pack up my backpack if I hadn't the night before or check messages; this time is also nice if I needed more time on my journaling or hair & makeup.
6:50- I am allowed to have 10 minutes on Instagram in the morning, and I do that right before breakfast.
7:00- My family eats breakfast together at 7, and we usually do family devotions then too. During the school week, we'll usually have eggs 3/5 days and baked oatmeal 2/5 days.
7:10- Breakfast lasts around 10 minutes usually, and I spend the last ten minutes at home brushing my teeth, putting my lunch in my lunchbox, and other last-minute tasks.
7:20- We take the bus to school, and so we try to leave for the bus stop around 7:20, though we usually end up leaving between 7:20 and 7:25.
7:35- The bus comes at around 7:35, and I usually talk with my friend or listen to music on the 5-10 minute ride to school. I have about 15 minutes at school before homeroom starts, and I'll talk with my friends and set up my computer to do online work.
8:00- Homeroom starts at 8, and that is the end of my morning routine!
I hope you enjoyed this article! Make sure to drop us a message in the chat box, we love hearing from you. :)