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Healthy Snacks

Bonjour mes amies! like a lot of people, I LOVE snacks, so I try to find ones that do not have a bunch of sugar and fats. Here are some great alternatives to cookies, chips, and chocolate.

~Frozen Peas

Yes, you read that right. It might sound crazy; I thought my sister was crazy when she ate them. But one day I decided to try them, and now frozen peas are my go to snack at home.


If you are tired of plain old apples, bananas, and oranges, see what other fruits are unique to your area or are in season. Some of my favorites are guava, mango, avocado, and pineapple.

~Home Made Snacks

We keep home made granola on hand as much as possible, and although it isn't the cheapest to make, it sure is healthy and delicious.

~Dips and crackers/vegetables

Guacamole and salsa are great with whole grain crackers, and hummus is delicious with carrots, cucumbers, and crackers.

Thanks for reading,

Kim the Berry

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