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Date Ideas!

Here are some fun date ideas! These can be romantic or platonic dates (I definitely think platonic dates should be normalized, they’re super fun). Spending time with people is sometimes hard when you can’t decide what to do, so hopefully, this can help.

Picnic at a lake - You guys have to have seen all those aesthetic videos of people at lakes with a picnic blanket and assortments of foods! It’s so adorable! Make sure to check the weather forecast beforehand though (I made that mistake, but we ended up just dancing in the rain haha).

Go roller skating - Roller skating is so dope. I seriously love it so much. You can just goof off and listen to the music playing while attempting tricks. Always a fun time. Roller skating rinks might be closed in some places, (because, hello we’re in a pandemic) but you can always skate outside and bring a speaker.

Stargazing - THIS ONE. Yeah, this is your sign to go stargazing with someone. Drive somewhere that’s quiet and just look up at the stars. Bonus points if there’s food and blankets. Just ask someone to go stargazing with you before light pollution messes everything up smh.

Thrifting - Second-hand clothing is very very groovy and you can always find something cool at thrift stores. Small trinkets make really great gifts and exploring shops is a great way to get to know someone.

Library date - Reading together is a must. You can also pick out each other’s books if you wanna be a super movie character. Sitting together in silence just reading a favorite book makes me want to scream in happiness, but don’t scream in a library lol.

Anyway, I hope you do all of these things and live life to the fullest.

Mucho Love,


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