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How to Write a Song

To start off, I would just like to say that there is not a “correct” way to write a song. Songwriting is all about expressing yourself and your emotions and it is very rare that someone can do that in an incorrect way. Songwriting is a great way to understand your own emotions, so it’s very helpful. I have even told people that I don’t know how I would understand anything about myself without my music.

I usually write my songs with an instrument on hand, but it’s okay if you don’t have one. Think about what you want this song to embody and what you want the listeners to feel when they hear it. You can draw inspiration from your own personal experiences, a friend’s experiences, or even a fictional character.

The most important thing is to have the lyrics or melody come from your heart. Being genuine is so beautiful and it is shown in your composing. Don’t worry about all of the complications; just think about what your goals are.

Most songs have a specific number of syllables and have rhymes in strategic places. You can look to some of the artists that inspire you and notice how they write. Someone who I gain lots of inspiration from is Taylor Swift. Most of her songs are tied together beautifully by a bridge.

Songs have roughly three parts: Verse, Chorus, and Bridge. There is also sometimes a Pre-Chorus. You also do not have to write the song in order, but I usually do that because it’s the easiest way for me. Piece together your song and try playing it or singing it all together.

Play around with your imagination and create art that makes you proud of yourself!

Mucho Love,

Faith :)

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