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Introducing the Berry

Bonjour everyone, I'm Kim the Berry, and I am super excited to be a part of the Girl Gang! I am 14 years old(very soon to be 15), in the 9th grade, and have been homeschooled for most of my life. I enjoy writing, reading, drawing, painting, singing, and I do ballet. My dream career is to be an actress and writer. I also love cats and have a ginger, doll-faced, Persian cat named Gingerbread. (pictured below)

My favorite types of foods are Indian, Mexican, and Italian, and I love almost anything to do with chocolate. I am basically a strict water drinker, as I dislike all soft drinks, coffee, and most teas. Some of my favorite genres to read are fantasy/fiction, historical fiction, mystery, and romance.

Some more random facts about me:

~ I'm learning French

~ I recently started a writing and art blog: (totally not self advertising here)

~ I am currently working on my first novel

~ I am determined, Lord willing, to live in either France, Canada, or England (specifically London)

~ I want to travel the world (you can join me if you want)

~ I would love to get a Main Coon cat sometime in my life

~ I love plants but always end up killing them

I hope you enjoyed reading this list of how to impersonate Kim the Berry

Au Revoir,

Gingerbread's Caretaker

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