Hey girlies! Today I’m going to be sharing my favorite sugar scrub body wash recipe with you. First things first, this recipe makes a small container (if you know what Tree Hut sugar scrub containers look like, that is about the size it makes). And now onto the instructions and recipe!
Wash and dry the container of your choice that you are planning on using. Make sure it has a secure lid as it’s going to have a liquid in it.
Pour 2/3 cup of sugar into your container.
Add honey until the sugar starts to clump up a little after stirring. Add little by little.
About 1 and a half tablespoons grapeseed or olive oil. At this point, it should not be like a liquid, it should be kind of like a loose paste.
Add a little coconut oil (semi-solid one, not liquid) and stir the mixture together. The scrub should now resemble a thick, paste-like substance.
Finally, add your favorite body wash until you get your typical sugar scrub body wash consistency!
With this, you now have your own homemade sugar scrub body wash and it even smells like your favorite body wash! Now, I highly recommend using this with a nice, hot bath, as you use a face mask and bask in some self-care! Hope that you guys enjoy this recipe and tell me if you have any recommendations or tips!
Stay safe and wear your masks!
All the love,